Extended Care

Every day that school is in session, extended care is available for your child. The program is structured with set time for outside play, homework time and indoor activities. This gives the children an opportunity to do a variety of activities and enjoy the time they spend with us. A snack is provided each day. On Wednesdays and early dismissal days, please be sure to send a lunch with your child.

Morning Care is available from 7-7:45am for no charge. Afternoon extended care is $12 per hour. Billing is done on a monthly basis. There is a late charge of $1.00 per minute after 5:30 P.M. There is a minimum charge of 1 hour for any child that is signed into extended care. Please note, if your child is not picked up 15 minutes after school is dismissed, he/she will be signed into extended care and charged the minimum fee of $12. Extended Care is free of charge until 3pm on Noon Dismissal days.

If you need to reach Extended Care, please contact the Extended Care Director Gioia Mongiello: gmongiello@stgregs-sanmateo.org or call the front office (650) 573-0111.