St. Gregory School community is small, yet strong! Be a part of your child’s learning experience by supporting the school and parish. So many opportunities to get involved!
Each family is required to donate just 40 hours of their time between July 1, 2023 - June 15, 2024.
The administration, along with the Advisory Board is grateful for each and every hour that you put in to our School and Parish. Each family is required to give 40 hours of service including re-married families. Single parent households are required to work 20 hours. These hours are mandatory and are considered part of your commitment to St. Gregory School. It is requested that each family put 5 hours towards the Parish Festival in October and a 5 hours towards the Auction in the Spring. Commitment hours are calculated from July 1st through June 15th.
Parents should submit their hours worked using Schoolspeak. Login to the website, look on the left under Quick Links, click on Parent Volunteer Hours. Enter the required fields. It is not necessary to continue to track hours once your obligation of forty hours has been fulfilled.
Administrative questions may be directed to the Principal, Johanna McCormack